Starts: Monday, January 2nd, 2012
End: Monday, March 19, 2012 (The last day of Winter)
We are starting 2012 off by breaking the shell of our old self and getting ready for Spring by becoming more fit and healthy.
So since for most this is a new thing doing a challenge, I want to have our 1st challenge be about building a strong foundation and seeing tangible results.
So here are the focus points for this challenge:
- Commit to a NSV (non scale victory) to be assessed at the start and the conclusion of the challenge.
- For example it could be:
- losing inches
- improving your 1mile time
- fitting into a pair of your used to be favorite jeans.
- Commit to a set of nutrition parameters and track via MyFitnessPal or Sparkpeople or WW. Whatever tracking works for you. IF you are on maintenance and do not really track. What nutrition goals do your have?
- How many calories daily or weekly?
- How much water will you drink daily?
- What items, if any, will you limit?
- Commit to a set of exercise parameters. These can be as loose or as flexible as you feel work for your personality, schedule, etc.
- Think variety.
- Start small and build.
- Try to incorporate a variety of exercises as to avoid boredom
- Commit to blogging at least twice weekly and 1 of those times must be you check in with a complete up date on your progress. All other blogs could include new insights, results of weekly challenges, or just letting others know how you are doing.
- Commit to support... both giving and receiving. Check others blogs and comment as you feel motivated to do.

So... you think about the 5 focus points and get ready to SPRING n2 ACTION....
Then.... leave a comment and a link to your blog. I will have a initial stats post ready by January 1st.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.