
Mini Challenge #1...

with the Non-dominant hand challenge....?

What do you think?
Is it harder than you thought?
No link just post comments.... 


  1. Not really, I've had to get used to it before after breaking my elbow.. So I'm good. :)

  2. Def. harder than I thought. I've only managed to remember to do it a few times :( shame on me on that one. It's neat though and certainly makes me take longer to eat my meals! xx

  3. I keep forgetting! Tonight I'm making honey balsamic chicken.... do I have to actually use the knife to cut with my non-domniate hand or can I cut it normal like & just eat with the non-dominant hand?? I'd probably be better off trying to use chopsticks.... LOL

  4. It is a lot harder then I thought. Mostly in just remembering to do so. I do have to think. I wish it made me make better eating choices.

  5. I did not have any trouble with this because I do it all the time. I always eat with my left hand! LOL and I swtiched to the right...not a problem! I guess I'm a wierdo!

  6. Truth: I am ambidextrious in most things. I do write with my right hand, but I do a lot of things with my left. So, this challenge was not so hard. Besides, I would NEVER miss a meal just because I couldn't feed myself. (Insert picture of me licking the plate.) ;-)

  7. I tried it, I didn't find it that hard but im going to continue trying it to see how effective it really is!

  8. It's going pretty good. I'm actually just as good at stuffing my face with either hand unfortunately. I have not eaten 30% less at all :(

  9. I use both hands regularly. Although I write with my right hand I'm a lefty when I do a lot of other things.
    Sooooo.....this wasn't quite a challenge for me!

  10. I use both hands when I eat too. I do eat slower with my left hand, but like someone else said before, I still eat a lot, lol

  11. i keep forgetting! which goes to show how distracted i really am when i eat. not a good thing!!

  12. I keep forgetting! Going to get a post-it NOW and stick it to my laptop to remind me!

  13. Not much of a challenge for me I use both hands any way. I'm some what ambidextrous. I guess that comes from years of playing sports when I was younger. Especially basketball and having a coach that felt you should be able to do everything with both hands...

  14. What I knew would happen, did. I totally forgot to try it. I know me to well. LOL
